
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Broke Magic & Demons Constraints with one letter

Ubqari Magazine - January 2013

It is pertinent to mention here that 1400 years have elapsed but this letter / Tehdeedi Nama is still a miracle. Jin & Satan run far away because of its glory and tremendousness. Few incidents revealing the same are narrated as below:- 

1)   Abdul Wahid Bhai does job in Navy and resides in my area i.e. Agra Taj Colony. He is very sincere, pious and eager reader of Ubqari. He brought a relative for treatment. I listened to the patient, diagnosed him and prescribed the medicines. By the grace of Allah Almighty, he benefited a lot. The No. of diseases started lessening and body recovering day by day, slow & steady, 

When I suddenly met with Abdul Wahid Bhai after Fajar Salah, he told that health of the patient was deteriorating again. We kept ringing you again & again but could not contact as your phone was off. As no other way left, we got him admitted in the hospital emergency and thus he gained some recovery. 

I asked where the patient is now. He told that he has been sent back to village. Now, he also revealed that actually he himself & also his whole home are affected by Jinnat and they often remain ill. When the patient is treated and looks near to recover completely, he suddenly fall ill again so intensively and it seems, this is the last day of his life. The same happened now as well. Initially the Ubqari medicines gave a lot of benefit and I was therefore happy & satisfied. Meanwhile, he again fell ill suddenly & severely. I asked why you did not tell me before so that we would have done something to dissolve the effect of Jinnaat. I said, however it is also curable. I asked to tell me, if someone is going to village. I drew attention towards the letter / Tehdeedi Naama and explained its many benefits in detail. I gave its few copies for placing inside pillow of each family member, a hanging as Taveez in their necks, pasting in each room at some prominent place and also advised for reading it loudly in Arabic as well as in Urdu, preferable daily. You will see its miracle results. 

This letter is as high in glory as written by the personality for whom the whole universe was brought into existence. Every creature of Allah Almighty feels honor of being submissive and obedient to him. 

Anyhow, just after 02 to 03 days he again met with me outside the mosque and was looking very pleased. He said I may scarify upon Muhammad (Sal’Allah-o- Alai’he Wasallum), Subhan Allah, anyone to whom I gave this letter he started getting benefit even yet he has not brought the same out of his luggage, not took in hand, not explained to any family member. Moreover, the matter of reading and placing letter in the rooms is also far away, the Jinnat and Aamils (spiritualists) who had been challenging, threatening to kick out, started seeking forgiveness for the sake of Allah Almighty and committed we have teased you a lot. They said that now they are going. Their voices turned very poor like an old man and they were talking in a begging manner. However, I may scarify myself upon Muhammad (Sal’Allah-o- Alai’he Wasallum) that if all this was the result of letter only, what will be the result of implementing, practicing upon other all Sunnah of Muhammad (Sal’Allah-o- Alai’he Wasallum). Whenever, Abdul Wahid Bahi tell story of this whole incident in his Sindhi tone, it freshens the belief. 


When Abdullah Bhai was told the story, I said that I also feel horror & terror at home and cannot sleep. Due to which my health is suffering badly day by day. My wife & children also feel fear at home. I am worried, what I should do? Can you give me this letter so that my all these problems may solve out, body & soul may feel peace and tranquility and the children may prosper. 

I said, you cannot believe that your all these matters will be solved out by using this letter, as this one is from the personality who is very sympathetic, compassionate to all Ummah, Rahma-tul-lil-Aala-Meen (merciful for the whole universe). Even trees are submissive & obedient to him. Where from he passes the stones start speaking. If he ordains the moon, the same splits into two parts. If he adds Saliva in bitter water of the well, the same turns sweet. Anyway I gave him the letter and he benefited so much & so much that his all problems were solved out. He also distributed colored copies of this letter to others.

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